Thursday, June 2, 2016

Unpopular thoughts on a Thursday afternoon - 6/2/16

1. Build the wall. Send them home. People who think otherwise are short sighted. They think everything will turn out rosy in the end, but history says otherwise. Diversity+Proximity=War. It may be a decades down the road, but it always ends the same. If we don't have the guts to do it now then we doom our children to it. This includes all illegals immigrants and Muslims legal or illegal who don't yet have citizenship. The Muslims are the most direct threat. But, black people also know the wonders of diversity at the hands of the hispanic community. We have enough problems with those we have here now. We don't need to allow needless problems. Everyone that came here has someplace they come from that has a whole lot of people just like them. They will feel at home. Don't be the person who pawns the problem off on your kids.

2. Christians are the worst for thinking that somehow they will make heaven here on earth through their works. Nope, it all goes like crap until the end. The only time it gets better is at the Second Coming.

3. People who freak out that Trump will become a dictator are the worst. They have no context on which to base this thought, just fears. These fears have been ground into them by the pundit class who have decided to run one of their own as a Presidential candidate. They don't think to highly of themselves, do they? Maybe like AsianConservativeMan on twitter says: Stop whining about "the establishment." No such thing! Now go support the National Review writer chosen by the Weekly Standard editor. Scott Adams has been right about Trump so far so I choose to believe him over those idiot pundits who were wrong the whole time. Here he talks about the risks of a Trump Presidency.

4. Glenn Reynold's hits the nail on the head here:
When politeness and orderliness are met with contempt and betrayal, do not be surprised if the response is something less polite, and less orderly. Brooks closes his Trump column with Psalm 73, but a more appropriate verse is Hosea 8:7 "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Trump’s ascendance is a symptom of a colossal failure among America’s political leaders, of which Brooks’ mean-spirited insularity is only a tiny part. God help us all.
5.  Speaking of David French and the Renegade Party, they oppose America being great again. You would think a party created by professional writers would read that before tweeting it. It is an ad for Trump. Also, what is up with him thinking that "white working class communities need to die." Has Kristol lost it and being serious or is he trolling us all with David French.

6. Lot of people saying that because David French is an Iraq War Veteran with a Bronze Star that nothing can be said of him. Bullshit! All props to his service, but as a veteran myself, I reserve the right to criticize. First, bronze stars are not always given out for heroism, this may be a shock to civilians, but some are just given out for meritorious service. Unless it has a "V" device for valor, I remain unimpressed. The fact that he was JAG leads me to believe it was probably for meritorious service.

7.  A $4,500,000 handgun...swett goonie goo goo. It is awesome that it is made out of meteorite though.

8. So, Glenn Beck is suspended from XM radio for comments made by his guest, Brad Thor. Thor is a writer, who talked about some patriot assassinating Trump if he became a dictator. He defends his comments by saying it was all hypothetical and taken out of context based on if he became a dictator. Sounds reasonable, right? Except that Thor has for months been on the Glenn Beck looney train and if you follow him on twitter, you know he really thinks Trump will become a dictator. That really puts the context in his words. I quit following him about a month ago, because he seemed to be becoming unbalanced. That is what happens when you hang out with Glenn Beck I guess. Beck isn't known for hi sanity. Lately he has been known for his false prophecies that Cruz would be elected President and save the Constitution by fulfilling the White Horse Prophecy of Mormonism. That bring me full circle, Trump dictator theorists are the worst.

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