“Fallen King” is the first book in the Cirian War Saga. Set in the land of Na Ciria a horrible invasion is taking place. Demon led forces are intent on taking over the land, betrayal lurks around every corner and heroes have feet of clay, but exhibit valor and honor in the face of evil.
And that is about all the spoilers you will get from me as I hate to ruin a good book for people by telling too much.
What you really want to know is, “Why should I read this book?”
Let me give you three good reasons.
First, the narrative draws you along. From one compelling scene to another you are taken into the storyline and not allowed to rest until you reach the end. Even then, you are waiting for the next book to find out what happens next. For me, this is always the sign that a book has captured my imagination. This is the type of book that you don’t really want to put down until you have finished it.
Second, the heroes are human. By this, I mean that they are not grossly over caricatured characters as are sometimes found in fantasy fiction. These are real people with real flaws that we can relate to. They suffer from doubt and weakness. As I said, they have feet of clay. But, they also exhibit valor and courage under pressure.
Third, the world that Eric Lorenzen has created here is well realized and thought out without being all revealed at once. I felt that I was immersed in the world while all the time discovering more about it and it’s past. It leaves you wondering what happened before without revealing too much before you are ready for it. I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone but me, but I don’t want to have too much explained to me all at once while still feeling the author knows his destination.
I highly recommend this book to lovers of fantasy fiction. Buy this and read it.
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