Friday, May 6, 2016

Unpopular Thoughts on a Friday

1. The same people who, when I wouldn't vote for Romney because he was a Mormon, told me "we aren't voting for Pastor-in-Chief you know" are enthusiastically denouncing me as a false Christian because I support Trump. Apparently, according to their studies, Trump supporters don't go to church regularly and this is why they vote for Trump. It makes me glad that my pastor leaves your choice of candidate up to you and just preaches Jesus.

2. I still feel justified in not voting for Romney in 2012. To me, voting a rank heretic in as President was far worse than voting in a sinner now. Trump is brash and crude and has flaws, I see this. He also speaks to a generation that has lived with continuous Republican betrayal for years. I see his imperfections, but I think he may actually try to deliver on some of the things he promises.

3. The party is controlled by "conservatives" who think the best things are continuous war, uncontrolled immigration via open borders and free trade. These conservatives have been known for years as Neo-Cons. I find myself now to be against continuous war (not against war altogether), see open borders for the danger it poses in cultural clash in the future (diversity+proximity=war) and free trade has done nothing but destroy many jobs I held in the past. I think I would identify better as a paleoconservative.

4. Libertarians live in a utopia they have created on paper that could never exist in the real world.

5. Those who advocate to ban guns should leave that alone. I can't speak for the rest of the country, but in the South, that is a no-go. If they ever did such a thing, there would be violence when they tried to collect them up. Want to start a rebellion then ban guns. Southerners will just ignore your law and wait for you to come. But, most of those wanting gun bans don't have the balls to try to do it themselves. No, they want other men with guns to do it for them.

6. My rights as written in the Constitution do not emanate from that document. The founders knew this. I have my rights whether the Constitution is around or not. Not going to really sweat losing the Constitution.

7. I used to really choose a candidate based on abortion, but when Republicans funded Planned Parenthood after a summer of vile videos of baby parts trade...well that broke me. No longer a make or break issue with me, because I think none of them will ever try hard on this matter.

8. Protests and activism only work for the party in power. It is basically a way to rub in the fact that you are in power. You see this very clearly in Europe where, after groups of Muslims sexually assaulted women in the streets in Cologne, instead of cracking down on Muslims they hosed down the people that protested the rapes. Here the protesters are regularly allowed to burn down cities.

9. Our best bet at preserving Western Civilization lies in creating small groups of men in our communities who cherish it and lie in wait for it all to fall apart (not cause it to fall apart) and take the reins again.

10. Yep, I said it "men". In the event of civilization failing equality will go out the door because physically women are not men and will have to depend on men to rebuild.

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