Wednesday, May 18, 2016

An Interlude on self-driving cars, automation, masculinity and swordsmithing.

1. In twenty years, people will not be allowed to drive anymore. It will be considered too dangerous. With the advent of self-driving big rigs you know it is gonna happen. They may only allow us to drive in an emergency situation.

2. In twenty to thirty years, the jobs situation is going to look drastically different, if I had to guess a lot more unemployed people. I read this article which suggests that low skilled workers will be the first to go and this article seals the deal. If they can make a lawyer AI then they can automate anyone's job. The future looks bleak no matter who we elect as President job wise. Best to elect Trump then. If he sends illegals back, then there will be no scapegoats to take it out on. I think I will focus on self-sufficiency. Growing own food and different skills I can leverage to make money on my own.

3. Reading a new book, Becoming a Barbarian by Jack Donovan. Read his book, The Way of Men earlier this year. There was a lot of meat to chew on from the first book. I expect there will be on the second book also. The man comes at things from a neo-pagan viewpoint, but I found a lot of truth in his words. If you want to see some truths from masculinity you need to read the first. I will report back on the second

4. Saw this video on Youtube, Backyard Swordsmithing- Part 1 (Forging a Sword from a Leaf-spring). He has a real simple smithing operation that would be easy and cheap to set up. Got me to thinking how cool it would be to forge your own sword.

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