Six Unpopular Thoughts on Gun Rights- 6/19/15
1. It is the right of every citizen of the United States to bear arms. This includes normal Americans, gangbangers, ex-cons and even the mentally ill. Told you there would be some unpopular thoughts here even for some conservatives on the issue. The first category is generally uncontroversial, the second two tread in territory that makes conservatives uneasy and the last is one a lot of conservatives would object to because they want to seem caring. Well, seeming caring isn't for crap. Once culture starts adding categories to limit gun ownership, the government, in it's fear of an armed populace, will attempt to place as many people as possible into those limiting categories. The last, mental illness, is especially tempting to government because they can almost always find a way to have someone declared mentally ill, just ask those veterans who are on that list now.
2. Let me go even further and say I think it is the duty and responsibility of every male citizen to own a gun and be educated on the proper use and safety of them.
3. The Second Amendment does not "grant" me the right to bear arms. I have that right because I choose to have that right. It is Natural Law given by God. Government is not the gracious giver of any of your rights and if given the chance they will try to ensure you don't enjoy those rights. If you try to sit around arguing that the Second Amendment gives you this right and then try to parse the words in the Constitution out then you have already lost part of the battle.
4. Most gun laws are useless and stop no one from mass killing, but gun free zones are a joke! Mass shooters are drawn to these like moths to flame. Free fire zones more aptly describe these.
5. A well armed citizenry is the solution to most of these problems today. Take terrorists and mass shooters for instance, the more a citizenry is armed and trained the higher the chance that a someone will cap a terrorist or mass shooter before they can kill as many as they do. Police can't be there to stop everything, but citizens are far more numerous. Citizens are the best line of defense against fourth generation warfare elements that pervade the 21st Century.
6. A program that uses tax money to arm and train citizens would be money well spent in my opinion. Don't think federal government on this one. The federal government is the enemy of efforts such as this. This is best started at the state or lower level. Change to your culture is best from the smaller elements up. It won't work in states that have too much liberal influence. Best to start in states that are already friendly to their armed citizens. If you are worried about gun registration from this, don't be, when a whole state is armed and trained, then registration doesn't mean jack shit. "Do we need to look up that guy in the database?" "No, he is from (insert state here) all those guys have guns." If you want to dissent and not participate then fine. If you wish to be irresponsible that is your business.
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